A post that validates this site’s existence

Yay, now the existence of this site is justified now that there’s content on it.

That being the first two chapters of [As an otaku me met a yandere her]

Raw Link: http://book.sfacg.com/Novel/111892/

A bit about the series, its a short comedic series with only 10 or so chapters and can basically be summed up in 4 words.

Yuri, Yandere, Lighthearted, Fainting

Before beginning, I would like to apologize in advance for any grammar, structure and punctuation problems in the chapters that you would be reading. As well as any translation errors and my limited vocabulary, which might hurt the flow of the story. And if you have any advice it is more than welcome.

This applies to everything I’ll be do on this site.

So, sorry.


And that ends it, below are the links that mark the start of this website.

Summary, click here learn a bit more about the series

chapter 1, click here to dive right in

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